July 28, 2010

England: Sex education 'could be better'

Lessons about sex, relationships and health are not good enough in 25 per cent of schools in England, inspectors say.

Teacher embarrassment and lack of knowledge were often to blame, Ofsted said in a report based on findings at 92 primary and 73 secondary schools.

It said in many secondary schools, pupils were taught about the biology of sex but not relationships. The government says all young people should have high-quality teaching in this area. It will take Ofsted's findings into consideration in its review of the curriculum.

Ofsted looked at personal, social, health and economic (PSHE) education in 165 schools in England.

The subject has been part of the timetable in most schools for about a decade.

Ofsted found in more than a third (34 per cent) of the secondary schools visited, students' knowledge of sex and relationship was "no better than satisfactory", while in a further three schools it was rated "inadequate".

The report says: "Students' knowledge and understanding was often good about the biology of sex but weaker about relationships.

"They said that their sex and relationships education was taught too late and there was not enough of it to be useful.

More on: http://www.ippf.org/

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